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You Season 3 - The Killer diaries and how to build your story arc!

I am surprised I haven't written about this show earlier. The story of a psychopath and his penchant for killing the woman he falls in love with. A first person narrative communicated through internal monologues. A complex individual and a sick mind that needs help. There is no suspense here. The killer himself is the narrator of the story. And yet you feel a strange identity with the man. #Netflix just released season 3 of #You starring the redoubtable #PennBadgley and the series takes a surprise turn!

Are you sure the remote is safe in your hands? Pass_Me_The_Remote reviews #You created by #GregBerlanti and #SeraGamble. A world of hurt, revenge, psychological games and power politics. Season 2 ends with Joe Goldberg (#PennBadgley) about to kill Love Quinn (#VictoriaPedretti) when she blurts out that she is pregnant with his child.

Season 3 therefore starts with the matrimonial life of the couple as they move to a fictional small town Madre Linde, a verdant location and get surrounded by tech billionaires and momfluencers. Enter the couple wanting to spice up their lives, Sherry (#ShalitaGrant) and Cary Conrad (#TravisVanWinkle) a comic duo. meanwhile , Joe is struggling to cope with new found fatherhood as he discovers Henry his son. Joe gets obsessed with his neighbour Natalie (#MichaelaMcMahon) and ends up killing her.

Season 3 moves the story arc to the next level by juxtaposing a woman who can match Joe in everything that he does. The season clearly belongs to Love Quinn. #VictoriaPedretti is superb as she demonstrates her profound talent in every scene. The other character who catches your attention is Theo, the 18 year old son of Natalie’s husband Mathew (#ScottSpeedman). Theo is played with brilliance by #DylanArnold. He is infatuated with Love and this complicates the plot.

Season 3 of #You has come in for some criticism for losing steam on the original premise. The episodes in this season focus on how the stalker/murderer struggles to play the the role of a homely yet clumsy first time father. And yet the streak of madness raises its head when people come in the way of his attraction to yet another woman. The season has an overdose of flashbacks alluding to the traumatic childhood of Joe where he struggles to cope in the foster care institution.

#You remains a novel treatment to storytelling. In my opinion, Season 3 denotes a brilliant study in prolonging the life of a show with a twist that is both bold and oh-so-simple in retrospect. A must see for script writers seeking inspiration to build their story arcs!

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