The events in our country in recent times have been unprecedented. The year started with the CAA-NRC conflict boiling over into riots, then the pandemic and then the lockdown. Migrants trudged back home on foot, covering hundreds of kilometres on foot. Amidst all this, some of us privileged people worked from home. Spare a thought for the weaker sections of the population and what happens in their lives amidst all this turmoil.
ASHOK’s FIVE presents #Meal a short film now featured on #MUBI. This is directed by Kolkata based #AbhiroopBasu and is a wordless short film that captures what the agony of a family preparing to sit down for lunch. Each member of the family is battling his or her own demons and the ten-minute window is like a macabre peep into their life.

1. #Meal stars #AdilHussain and #RatnaBaliBhattacharya in delectable performances. The couple are preoccupied from the beginning. Both bear marks of physical violence; the man has a blood-soaked bandage on his hand. She is cooking in the kitchen while the man is busy trying to pack a suitcase. In another room, an old man is seemingly paralysed and passes urine as he stares back blankly. The young boy is calm and seen packing his bag for an exam. In the background, the radio mentions that the ‘Madhyamik’ exams are on in the midst of riots. #AdilHussain proves once again how brilliant he is; the angst and the remorse on his face are done superbly.

2. Interestingly, the film does not name its characters. It is almost as if they have lost their sense of identity. In the space of ten minutes, they go from tension to anger, remorse and panic and fear. All this without saying a word. Brilliant!
3. I thought the other interesting aspect of this film is the ambiguity that it sets up, engaging the viewer to form his or her own theories and build up the narrative. For example, how did the bruises come about? Why is the man packing? Does he want to leave the city or his own family? Why does the woman double up in panic? What has happened to the paralysed father? How did the mirror break, and the clock fall down?
4. In between all this tension, the boy remains calm. However, he is also seen peeling off a religious sticker from his exam board. Is that a matter of precaution?

5. The film manages to heighten the tension through excellent sound design. #AakashGhoshal is the man behind sound. The film went on to win the awards for Best Sound Design at the Flamingo International Film Festival 2019 and the awards for best screenplay and best actor at the Pune International Film Festival 2019.
I think #Meal stands out for speaking out on issues that are not proclaimed enough in our society. Imagine living in pain, fear and panic. Is that the worst form of suffering?
