One of the most trying dilemmas that a parent faces is when her child is accused of a crime and she is undecided as to her offspring’s culpability. Did he do it or not? Even as she goes all out to defend him and prevent any harm, it's a tough conflict to manage within her mind.

ASHOK’s FIVE reviews #DefendingJacob, the eight part series streaming on #AppleTV+. #ChrisEvans plays Andy Barber, who along with his wife Laurie (#MichelleDockery) find their lives coming apart when their 14-year-old son Jacob (#JaedenMartell) is accused for the murder of his classmate Ben Rifkins. Andy is the assistant District Attorney in small town Newton, Massachusetts and is also impacted professionally as his own colleague frames the case against him and his family.
#DefendingJacob is based on the book of the same name by #WilliamLanday and features top class acting by Evans. The Norwegian director #MortenTyldrum creates a sharp, precise, sombre study of an idyllic life ripped apart by this situation. The blue and grey filter (aka #Ozark) makes the show stand apart. The locations and the Barbers home are shown as large, spacious and with the white and grey ensemble, look almost like showrooms. The cinematography by #JonathanFreeman also stands out.
The show starts with Andy Barber testifying to the grand jury and you can figure out that the context is post Jacob’s trial. A weary Andy is trying to defend himself and you immediately sense that all is not as it seems. And that's the best thing about the series, The opening episode showcases a family that seemingly can get nothing wrong and it is fascinating to watch how Morten then systematically breaks this down. The characters are not all black and white and their fallibilities make them believable and relatable. #ChrisEvans with his well trimmed beard, blue eyes and muscular physique is terrific as he defends his son with passion and belief. #MichelleDockery plays perfect foil as the mother who is at once protective as well as haunted by doubts.
The show also showcases some of the modern day issues. For example, the tendency of adolescents to assume a different online identity can have potential dangers. I found the perspective on the white man’s privilege when it comes to judicial investigations also quite pertinent. When it is revealed that Andy’s father is serving time in prison for rape and murder, the discussion turns to whether there is a “murder gene” in the family. I pondered over how such matters could potentially influence a jury. The family’s lawyer preps them ahead of the trial and the need to present the politically right face to the media is so very crucial!
The supporting cast in #DefendingJacob turns in a very competent performance, especially #BettyGabriel and #CherryJones. #PoornaJagnnathan plays Laurie’s psychiatrist and she propounded the theory that it is possible to have two radically different perceptions of your child and this leaves Laurie more confused perhaps. The children in Jacob’ school spot the knife in his possession and this comes back to hurt him adversely at the trial. Some of these dramatic twists make for interesting viewing; the only downsides of the show are the eight hour duration and the ending which lacks conviction.
#DefendingJacob is slow-burn and slick and is a masterclass in crime investigation and court-room drama. What makes the show eminently watchable is the wonderful performance of the cast. Full marks for that!